The Mistral statue - the prize for the winner of the FLEET AWARDS survey

Glass statues made by PRECIOSA ORNELA in Desná are often valued prizes for award winners and the same is true at the Fleet Awards.

The winners of the fleet prizes are entitled to use the Fleet Awards logo in conjunction with their products throughout the year. The trophy for the winner is the so-called Fleet Muse, a glass statue of a girl with waving hair, and it is the work of the glass makers from PRECIOSA ORNELA in Desná v Jizerských horách.

The Mistral statue (designed by the H. Hoffmann Company) produced by PRECIOSA ORNELA has become the "FLEET AWARDS" trophy, the so-called "Fleet Muse, for the 6th year. The Fleet Awards survey is the most significant poll in the Czech Republic focused on company cars, which is organised by the  Club 91, s.r.o. publishing house.

The Mistral ("Fleet Muse") is part of our range which is closely associated with the automobile industry. The statue was one of many which was sold in the 1930s by the H. Hoffmann Company as a car radiator mascot. This fashion statement later became a collector's item and it continues to be so today.

The more individual the radiator mascot, the more it was valued. And this did not only apply to the form, but also to the colours. As well as clear glass, they were also produced in colour variants and bulbs were placed inside them to light up the mascot. The most sophisticated solution involved multicoloured lamp covers which could be "remotely" turned from the cabin in order to change the colour of the statue. According to period reports, the statues appeared to be so mystical and supernatural that rural folk in particular would panic as such a vehicle drove past and they would hide from the mascot's "field of view" .

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The Mistral statue is therefore a worthy trophy, not only due to its beauty, but also due to its interesting history.

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