The Festival of Original Jewelry in Prague for the first time


The Festival of Original Jewelry in Prague for the first time

A sales exhibition, creative courses led by international master craftspeople

Magnificent jewelry made by the designer Natálie Škodová using PRECIOSA seed beads.

We invite you to the "Festival of Original Jewellery" which will take place at the Kotva Department store in Prague on 5th November 2017. This is a unique event on a European scale which will be held in Prague for the first time. Your will see a display of works by active artists and designers from all over the world.
The designer Natálie Škodová will present her jewellery there, especially pieces made using seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ range.novy uvodni foto v580px

The festival will include:

  • a sales exhibition of finished original pieces of jewellery
  • creative courses and workshops led by international master craftspeople
  • introduction of techniques, concrete jewelry and materials

This event is ideal for everybody who likes original handmade pieces of jewellery, but also, of course, for those who love art and nice things.

When: 5th November 2017,  from 12:00 to 18:00
Where: Kotva Department store (náměstí Republiky 8, Prague 1)



Look at the almost identical event in Russia.
videu best masterpiece

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