Preciosa Ornela at the trade fair in Hamburg

Czech seed beads at the trade fair in Hamburg

Representatives of Preciosa Ornela visited the first seed bead trade fair, Perlen-Kunst-Messe, in Hamburg which was held on 20th–21st August 2011. Opportunity for the rich exchange of experience and inspiration. Venue for the offer of a wide range of costume jewellery components, among which the seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand were significantly represented.

Representatives of Preciosa Ornela visited the first seed bead trade fair, Perlen-Kunst-Messe, in Hamburg which was held on 20th–21st August 2011. Exhibitors from Germany, England, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Latvia, the Ukraine and the United States of America presented their unique creative work made from beads and seed beads. Visitors had the opportunity to participate in a wide range of excellently led courses aimed at improving and extending their use of possible creative and costume jewellery techniques using beads and seed beads. As well as providing an opportunity for the rich exchange of experience and inspiration, this trade fair also became a venue for the offer of a wide range of costume jewellery components, among which the seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand were significantly represented. The main organiser of this interesting gathering was the Perlen Poesie magazine. Preciosa Ornela supported the competitions which were announced on this occasion as a sponsor.


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