Design Desná exhibition has opened!


Design Desná exhibition has opened!

Výstava Design Desná zahájena!

Desná glass shines at the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou

You finally have an unique opportunity to see masterpieces of craftsmanship and artistry which represent a 170 year glass tradition which is still ongoing at PRECIOSA ORNELA!

The long awaited unique exhibition mapping out the history of glass from Desná has just been opened. You can pass through the doors of the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery and into a world of glass from the Polubný glassworks and its associated history.

We would like to thank everybody who contributed to the preparations. Those responsible were also thanked at the book signing for the new book Glass from Desná - Design Desná written by Petr Nový (the main curator at the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou),

1 uvodni slovo patrilo panu sebestovi generalnimu rediteli preciosy ornely panum jaroslavu bejvlovi a petru novemu autorum celeho projektu 2 samotny krest knizky 3 knizka s venovanim autora pro kazdeho kdo prisel 4 kazdy zamestnanec preciosy ornely na autogramiade dostal knizku a vstupenku na vystavu
Mr Šebesta, the Managing Director of PRECIOSA ORNELA, and Messrs Jaroslav Bejvl and Petr Nový, the authors of the project, opened the proceedings  Christening the book A book with a dedication for everyone who came Each employee of PRECIOSA ORNELA received a book and a family pass to the exhibition
5 stare drevene formy ve kterych se rodi sklenena krasa 6 pan novy venoval krome podpisu i odpovedi na zvidave otazky pritomnych 5 atmosferu slavnostniho okamziku podkreslilo vystoupeni bubeniku z hudebni skupiny aries dsc 9213
Old metal moulds, which give birth to glass beauty Petr Nový answered the inquisitive questions of those present  The atmosphere of the ceremonial occasion was underscored by an excellent  performance of the young musicians from the Liberec ARIES ensemble The long queue at the book signing

... and during the official opening of the Glass from Desná – Design Desná 1847 - 2017 exhibition on 7.12.2017.

Whoever missed the opening can view the glass beauty from Desná at the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery until 15th April 2018.

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