Calendar 2018


Calendar 2018

Calendar 2018

We present the 2018 calendar.

The thirteen photographs present PRECIOSA ORNELA’s new products.

Petra Lejsková created a scenario, which aimed to present the successful new beads and decorative glass from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ and PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Glass™  in the new calendar.

The 2018 calendar consists of 13 portraits. This year’s topic is full of colors, optimism and playfulness. It presents our new beads which have been worked into beautiful designs by PRECIOSA ORNELA’S designer Helena Chmelíková. The pages of the calendar also include the essential product information.

The photographer Marek Kubáček, who usually presents somewhat suppressed colors, has shown himself in a different light in our calendar. It has become apparent that color also suits him. The flawless and playful makeup by Adéla Anděla Bursová and Lucie Janská has perfectly offset the photographs. Last, but not least, our thanks go to our beautiful models Jana Grossmanová, Kateřiná Světlá and Kateřina Kasanová. Would you believe that there are only three different girls on the 13 pages of the new PRECIOSA ORNELA calendar?

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Petra Lejsková created a scenario, which aimed to present the successful new beads and decorative glass from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ and PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Glass™
in the new calendar.

The 2018 calendar consists of 13 portraits.

Take a look at the backstage of the calendar.

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This year’s topic is full of colors, optimism and playfulness. It presents our new beads which have been worked into beautiful designs by PRECIOSA ORNELA’S designer Helena Chmelíková.

The pages of the calendar also include the essential product information.

The title page is decorated by bouquet with pressed beads
PRECIOSA Ripple™, Forget-me-not and
PRECIOSA Rocailles.

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The photographer Marek Kubáček, who usually presents somewhat suppressed colors, has shown himself in a different light in our calendar. It has become apparent that color also suits him.

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The flawless and playful makeup by
Adéla Anděla Bursová and Lucie Janská
has perfectly offset the photographs.

Last, but not least, our thanks go to
our beautiful models
Jana Grossmanová, Kateřiná Světlá
and Kateřina Kasanová.

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