Ambiente 2019


Ambiente 2019

Ambiente 2019

Preciosa Ornela's limited edition of decorative glass in Frankfurt

The world's largest trade fair for consumer goods and design will take place in Frankfurt am Main from 8th to 12th February 2019.

Visit us during the Ambiente Trade Fair and experience the magic of products with the rich history of the Czech glass industry. 

Decorative glass from the Desná Since 1847® brand is distinguished by perfect craftsmanship and timeless elegance. In 2017, we celebrated 170 years of the existence of the glassworks in Desná and the ongoing tradition of glass production in Desná.

On the occasion of this significant anniversary, we reissued a limited edition of products consisting of successful designs from the 1950s to the 1970s, which you had the opportunity to see at the Design Desná 2017 exhibition in the Museum of Glass and Jewellery in Jablonci nad Nisou.

One set of vases of the selected exhibits, the so-called "tree vase" (a successful design from 1966) is also currently travelling around European metropolises as part of The Story of Czech Design exhibition. You can visit the exhibition in the Slovak capital city, Bratislava in "Satelit" gallery from 7. 2. to 27. 3. 2019. Czech glass and Czech design, which are the subject of the exhibition, constitute an integral part of the story of the Czechoslovak state which began one hundred years ago. The wandering exhibition has been prepared by the Czech Centres in association with the Museum of the Decorative Arts in Prague. A short VIDEO

What else awaits you at the Preciosa Ornela stand (4.1, J11) at Ambiente?
- Magic Fusion - original interior accessories made from glass and seed beads
- Car radiator figures - collectors items made of artificial crystal

We are looking forward to meeting you!

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1957 - 1958


Designed by Václav Plátek
Pressed and Cut Glass

Honorable Mention,
EXPO 58 in Brussels

Limited colletion

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Designed by Václav Hanuš
Glass Blown into a Metal Mold
and Cut

Limited collection

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"Tree vases"

Designed by Václav Hanuš
Glass Blown into a Metal Mold,
Polished and Matted

Limited collection

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Designed by Václav Hanuš
Glass Blown into a Metal Mold,
Polished and Matted

Limited collection

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Designed by Václav Hanuš
Glass Blown into a Metal Mold,
Polished and Matted

Limited collection

- original interior accessories made from glass and seed beads

Black & White

Magic Fusion

- original interior accessories made from glass and seed beads


Magic Fusion

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- collectors items within the artistic decorative glass


Car radiator figures


Stand: J11
Hall: 4.1

Read more about the story of glass from Desná -

planek s1000

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