Made in Jablonec 2016


Made in Jablonec 2016

The "Made in Jablonec 2016" Fashion show

January fashion shows have a long tradition in Jablonec nad Nisou. As such, the beginning of 2016 in this town, which is historically linked with the production of costume jewellery, was also graced by the prestigious cultural event which is known as “Made in Jablonec”.

On Thursday, 14th January 2016, 50 original models by fifteen fashion designers were presented at the Jablonec Eurocentrum. Nineteen regional companies and four applied art secondary schools contributed to the costume jewellery accessories and appliques.

Every subsequent year of this magnificent presentation, which provides an opportunity to combine fashion trends with the options provided by the Czech costume jewellery industry, is a challenge for the participants to be better than last year. This year’s “Made in Jablonec 2016” show had the subtitle “4 Seasons”. The fashion designers once again joined forces with selected regional costume jewellery companies and secondary schools with an artistic focus and this time sought inspiration in the individual seasons. The springtime optimism of pastel colours, sunny summer days, autumn’s colourful sorcery or sparkling icy beauty became the template for their fashion creations and a challenge to create the corresponding atmosphere for the creators of the costume jewellery accessories.


PRECIOSA ORNELA selected the winter theme in cooperation with Targo, a seller of luxury undergarments. A three-member team worked on the creation of one men’s and three lady’s models. The textile accessories designed by Petra Lejsková were realised by Marcela Pabyšková, while Helena Chmelíková was once again the designer of the costume jewellery accessories made using beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand. 

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