The Odyssey of the Maasai in Prague for the second time


The Odyssey of the Maasai in Prague for the second time

Stories unite us - a project in support of the education of Maasai children 

The Slovak photographer Vladia Bajerovská has been exhibiting a collection of photographs from the "Stories unite us" project at the Prague showroom of Preciosy Lighting (Jáchymova 2, Prague 1) for the second time from 24th November. The profits from the sale of postcards of Maasai women and children has been financed as a project of the Maasai Academy library. 

pozvanka bannerThe second exhibition with the sub-title "Stories united us ..." presents greetings from children at the Maasai Academy as well as the comprehensive story of the education of the children from the Maasai community. Postcards of children from the Czech Republic and from Kenya are on display in the wonderful areas of the showroom full of Preciosa Lighting chandeliers and light fittings. Lejla Abbasová, the founder of the Asante Kenya fund which is very closely associated with the education of the Maasai children and with this culture in general, has significantly contributed to the "Stories unite us" project.

Come and take joy in the fact that you  have also become part of the story. 

The Maasai are our traditional customers. Maasai men and women like to decorate themselves with costume jewellery made of beads. They admittedly use them to improve their appearance, but the beads also play an important role within their society, including their ceremonies and traditions. The beads not only represent beauty, but also a person's standing in the community and at the same time they also play a role in communication. These ornaments are of significance to the Maasai.

Seed bead decorations tell a story, invoke emotions and share ideas.

We have prepared a publication entitled "The Odyssey of the Maasai" for you in association with Vladia Bajerovská. The book tells the story of the Maasai, Maasai women and the Red Tribe initiatives in pictures.


 The event's partners:

 pozvanka loga



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