Slava Zaitsev and Beata Rajska with PRECIOSA brand

Slava Zaitsev and Beata Rajská's joint fashion show with accessories from the PRECIOSA brand
A unique fashion show by Russian and Czech designers took place on 20th February 2015 in Moscow within the framework of the international "Sláva Zaitsev Fashion House" project with the support of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Russian Federation.
The main idea for this event was to bring together a European and a Russian view of contemporary fashion on one stage. Some of the models by the legendary Russian designer, Sláva Zaitsev, and the popular Czech representative of the fashion world, Beata Rajská, were uniquely supplemented with jewellery made from seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads range, the designers of which were Aleksandra Lysenko and Natálie Škodová.