Tried your hand at the glassmaker’s art in Zásada


Tried your hand at the glassmaker’s art in Zásada

We opened the door to the world of seed beads

We entered the open doors of Preciosa Ornela in Zásada and there was certainly a lot to see!

Preciosa Ornela was visited by almost two thousands fans of Czech glass and seed beads on Saturday 25.8.2018.

The Open Day at Preciosa Ornela was an excellent opportunity to see the production steps which the seed beads have to undergo in order for them to achieve the final look which our fans know and love. Many of them were surprised at how demanding the work is. The visitors could view the processes used in coloring, polishing, sorting, hole QC, washing and silvering as well as the seed bead warehouses.

Guests were also able to view other crafts as part of the Seed Bead Celebrations and to try out glass blowing, watch the production of various types of costume jewelry and join in the prepared workshops.

The cherry on the cake was the new book "Zásadský ráj – the story of Czech seed beads" which people could acquire with the author’s signature during the book signing.

We would like to thank the visitors for coming to see us: it was a great day!

Click the image to play the video

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We opened the door
to the world
of seed beads
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CEO's opening words
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A book signing
of the new book

Zásadský ráj
- the story of Czech seed beads
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Almost two thousands fans
of Czech seed beads
Preciosa Ornela
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Seed beads threading
on the threading machine
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Workshops for visitors
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Hand production
of bobbin lace
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Presentation of handbags
production made
from wooden beads
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The fox lured visitors
to the glass celebration
in Kristiánov
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Presentation of
(made from wooden beads)
and crocheted necklaces
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An interest of fans
in glass seed beads was great
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Also warehouses
of the final products
were part of the tour
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Also the youngest visitors
enjoyed the Open Day
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Everyone could
create own bracelet, pendant,
even a kaleidoscope
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You could enjoy
a ride by train
or historic buses
around Zásada
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Presentation of
pressed bead production
using Kopal glass press
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Presentation on how
decorative glass products
are made
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Pressed bead production
by machines
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Seed bead handbags
and accessories
by Atlas Bijoux
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Visitors also glanced
at the organ shop

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