The “Made in Jablonec 2018” models shone once again


The “Made in Jablonec 2018” models shone once again

The elegance of the 1930s, the freedom of the 1960s and the new millennium. Jablonec played host to a magnificent fashion show.

This year’s Made in Jablonec celebration of fashion took place on Thursday 11th January and it took place in the spirit of a century of inspiration. The January fashion show is already a longstanding tradition in Jablonec nad Nisou. Every year, it offers the regional costume jewellery companies and applied art secondary schools an opportunity to present their art.

Whereas last year the designers expressed a “Glamorous Day” with their models, a symbol of splendour, magnificence and elegance during the course of a unique glamorous day at all possible occasions, this year their extensive creativity was focussed on three topics; “the elegance of the 1930s”, “the freedom of the 1960s” and the “new millennium”.

PRECIOSA ORNELA selected the topic of the elegance of the 1930s and presented a trio of evening gowns.

Costume jewelry accessories for this show were designed by Helena Chmelíková, models were realized by Ivana Brabcová - Styl Iva Tailoring Studio using the sketches by Petra Lejsková.

The students from the Jablonec Applied Arts Secondary School with a focus on costume jewellery created three other models for a “grand evening” in conjunction with PRECIOSA ORNELA. However, they chose the current topic of “the new millennium” which was much closer to them.

Costume jewelry accessories were made by the students, models were designed by Petra Lejsková and realized by Marcela Pabyšková - MP Tailoring.

The designer Kateřina Krausová, who represented the Železný Brod Glass Applied Arts Secondary School took on the theme of the 1960s in a unique way in cooperation with PRECIOSA ORNELA.
She made her model gown with a relatively simple cut in the shape of the letter A more distinctive by using photographs and rocailles in the national colours.

Designs jewelry and clothing comes from Kateřina Krausová. Models were made by MP Tailors.

Whoever missed this inspiring event, can view a video interview from the gala evening.

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