Handmade Dreams - the Czech Centres


Handmade Dreams - the Czech Centres

Handmade Dreams - the Czech Centres

Contemporary Czech costume jewelry in Moscow.

The Handmade Dreams exhibition continues its foreign journey.

You will have the opportunity to visit the Handmade Dreams exhibition mapping the current tendencies in Czech costume jewelry at the Czech Center Moscow in Russia, where it will be on show from 22. 11. to 15. 12. 2019.


Czech Center Moscow

3. Tverskaja-Jamskaja 31/35


pozvanka moskva

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Photograps from the opening ceremony of the exhibition and workshop in Athens

(Source: Czech Center in Athens)

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Secondary and upper secondary applied arts schools from Liberec, Jablonec nad Nisou and Železný Brod which focus on glass will also present their talent at the exhibition. The activities of these schools have contributed greatly to the development of jewellery making which is of great economic significance in the north Bohemian region.

The Handmade Dreams exhibition presents the current tendencies in Czech costume jewelry production by means of a selection of items undertaken by the curator Petr Nový (the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou) ranging from the inspiration provided by traditional patterns through to contemporary trends and onto a vision of the future represented by a selection of the winning works from the Master of Crystal design competition. Czech jewelry brands working with costume jewellery semi-products have also been included among the exhibits.

Like Czech glass, Czech costume jewelry has been a famous and generally well-known article in the area of the artistic crafts and creative industries since the 18th century. Costume jewelry in Bohemia has always been a symbol of quality and it has succeeded in satisfying the tastes of customers all over the world. Expressions such as "Bijoux de Bohème", "Jablonec ware" or "Jablonex" are still alive today. The Czech Republic is still one of the world's biggest producers of glass semi-products, such as seed beads, beads or costume jewelry stones.

However, contemporary Czech costume jewelry does not only offer semi-products, but also finished products inspired by contemporary fashion and design trends. The craft skills and unique technological knowledge of the producers from North Bohemia are therefore also often used by iconic fashion brands such as Nina Ricci, Gautier or Karl Lagerfeld. The PRECIOSA Group, which is the exhibition's main partner, is the principal costume jewelry producer in the Czech Republic. The schools in the Liberec Region have also greatly contributed to the preservation of the "costume jewelry" art and as such they also have an important place in the exhibition; the schools in question are the Applied Arts Secondary School and Upper Secondary School in Jablonec nad Nisou, the Glass Applied Arts Secondary School in Železný Brod and the Technical University in Liberec - Jewelry and Costume Jewelry (studio).


Dr. Petr Nový, the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou

the Czech Centres, the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Main partner:

Czech Tourism, AAC, G&B Bijoux, Odvárka Bijoux, Preciosa Beauty, Preciosa Ornela, Ralton, Šenýr Bijoux, LLEV (Design studio), ZORYA (jewellery studio), Master of Crystal (a competition for costume jewellery designers), the Glass Applied Arts Secondary School in Železný Brod (costume jewellery design), the Applied Arts Secondary School and Upper Secondary School in Jablonec nad Nisou (costume jewellery design), the Technical University in Liberec - Jewellery and Costume Jewellery (studio)

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