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2664 - Oblong

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Art. no. Bead Shape Size Color Finishes Matting Measure Min order
111 30 040 00 Oblong Beads 19/12mm 61000 2310N - -
111 99 006 00 Flat olive Beads 20/14mm 03000 2310S - -
111 30 040 00 Oblong Beads 19/12mm 53410 2310N - -
111 30 040 00 Oblong Beads 19/12mm 23980 2310N - -
111 30 040 00 Oblong Beads 19/12mm 61000 2317N - -
111 69 010 00 Spade Beads 17mm 24020 2740O - -
111 69 010 00 Spade Beads 17mm 43020 2740O - -
111 69 010 00 Spade Beads 17mm 23980 2740O - -
111 69 010 00 Spade Beads 17mm 24020 2220O - -
111 69 010 00 Spade Beads 17mm 43020 2220O - -
111 69 010 00 Spade Beads 17mm 33420 2220O - -
111 99 006 00 Flat olive Beads 20/14mm 00030 2740M - -
111 99 006 00 Flat olive Beads 20/14mm 60200 2740M - -
111 99 006 00 Flat olive Beads 20/14mm 61000 2740M - -
111 99 006 00 Flat olive Beads 20/14mm 33420 2740M - -
111 99 006 00 Flat olive Beads 20/14mm 03000 96504 - -
111 99 006 00 Flat olive Beads 20/14mm 03000 96505 - -
111 99 006 00 Flat olive Beads 20/14mm 03000 96503 - -
111 99 006 00 Flat olive Beads 20/14mm 43020 2317S - -
111 99 006 00 Flat olive Beads 20/14mm 00030 2310S - -
111 99 006 00 Flat olive Beads 20/14mm 61000 2310S - -
111 99 006 00 Flat olive Beads 20/14mm 33420 2310S - -
111 69 010 00 Spade Beads 17mm 61000 2740O - -

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