Bracelet with PRECIOSA Pellet™ beads Playful Perfection is the name of a book full of tutorials written by the internationally renowned designer and author Kerrie Slade. The book includes 30 tutorials on how to produce a wide variety of types of costume jewelry made using the beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.
Crocheted spiral bracelet made with PRECIOSA Triangles. Preciosa Ornela offers the widest variety of shapes, sizes and color variants in its seed bead range sold under the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand. This time, we have selected seed beads in neon colors.You can create a delicate spiral bracelet by combining them with a classic crocheting loop.
Sewn bracelet made with PRECIOSA Candy Rose. We have prepared an attractive bracelet for you in pastel shades and made with the new PRECIOSA Candy Rose bead in combination with PRECIOSA Solo™.
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