PRECIOSA Pip™ pressed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand conforms to the current trend for mini beads with its dimensions of 5 x 7 mm. Its axially symmetrical flattened shape resembling a small pip enables the realisation of vacuum metallic half-coatings with the resulting effect of an all-over decoration.
Preciosa Ornela presents the PRECIOSA Candy™ low cabochon with a round 8 mm base. The shallow rounding in the lower section means that it can be easily sewn around,joined with other beads of the same type or combined with other bead types.
PRECIOSA Chilli™ and PRECIOSA Farfalle™ Bracelet Our new PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ beautifully complement each other. Create an elegant bracelet with this project designed by Hana Černá.
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