Welcome in the spring with some fun creative work. You and your children can brighten up the Easter days and prepare your fridge for the incoming goodies by decorating it with permanently flecked eggs made from magnetic film, colored paper and the essential microbeads.
Celebrate St. Valentine’s Day in style by adorning yourself with this romantic set of jewelry. Use simple brick stitch and vivid red PRECIOSA White Lining rocailles to create heart-shaped motifs and then suspend them from chain to build a sentimental collection.
Mix straightforward tubular herringbone stitch with vibrant PRECIOSA Terra Intensive Matt rocailles to create a long rope of beadwork that can be worn in multiple ways. Wear it simply as an elegant everyday necklace, wrap it around the neck twice for a choker or wind it around the wrist several times as a bracelet either in casual strands or a more complex twist.
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