Tutorial and Inspiration

Pouzarová Veronika


Veronika Pouzarová’s jewellery contains a sense of detail and intimacy and captures the essence and depth of the author’s message. Her works are widely ranging from an art object on the owner’s body to applied design. She conceives artistic jewellery primarily as a sculpture that interacts with the owner and his surroundings through its expressive form.

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Apricot Crush


PRECIOSA beads and seed beads in the color of 2024. The delicate orange shade Apricot Crush has been announced as the color of 2024 by WGSN, a company involved in trend forecasting, in cooperation with Coloro – The Color Code.

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Autumn mood


Adorn yourself with a necklace consisting of pendants made from PRECIOSA Farfalle seed beads in various shades of purple. This necklace is sure to go with the costume of any fan of fast approaching Halloween. The autumn tones of the seed beads blend with the steel-colored chain, which goes well with everyday and evening wear.

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