
Czech Beads + German Car + Mexican Artisans = Vochol

We would like to introduce another marvellous example of famous Mexican Huichol art, which uses as its medium a rich variety of vibrant colours of Czech seed beads from Preciosa Ornela for its unique creations. This time the beautifully vibrant colour patterns completely cover another popular classic: the Volkswagen Beetle.

<strong>Czech Beads + German Car + Mexican Artisans = Vochol</strong>

Over two million richly coloured beads, sixteen kilograms of beeswax, and 9,000 man hours were needed to transform the VW Bug into an incredible multi-coloured work of art. Eight artisans, from two artistic Huichol families in Mexico, decorated the iconic car with their traditional ornaments. These were all made entirely from PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads.

In Mexico, the name of this artistic creation is <strong>Vochol</strong>, a combination of <em>Vocho</em>, the local name for these small cars, and <em>Huichol</em>, the name of the Native American ethnic group. The Huichol people primarily look for rich vibrantly coloured beads from the entire spectrum – which are available only from the Czech manufacturer, Preciosa Ornela. In addition to the <strong>PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads</strong> brand, the Huichol take the beads being strung on a thread and in bundles as a signal of high quality. In the end, Preciosa Ornela is the only international manufacturer who is able to satisfy the demands of the Huichol in terms of bead quality, size, regularity, shape, and their always-perfect hole.

This popular car, covered with Huichol ornaments made from Czech beads, is currently being exhibited and admired in many places around the world, and has, as a result, become a colourful ambassador of Mexican folk culture.


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