
PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads in brilliant neon colours

Preciosa Ornela has expanded its existing range of trendy neon colours to include brilliant neons in the beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand. The unmistakeable combination of four intensive colours has become this summer season’s fashion hit.  As such, they cannot be absent from the range of Czech beads and seed beads offered by Preciosa Ornela.

Preciosa Ornela offers you beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads range in four brilliant neon colours which will enable you to conform to the latest trend requirements for fashion accessories. Yellow, orange, pink and green, shining under UV light, are offered in selected seed bead shapes in transparent and opaque matt variants made using the surface colouring of crystal and chalk glass.  <a href = "" target = "_blank">Preciosa rocaille, Preciosa Farfalle™ and PRECIOSA Twin™ </a> have been chosen from the seed bead range.

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The seed beads with this finish are designed for costume jewellery use. They are resistant to dipping in water at a temperature of up to 30°C.  Chemical cleaning and washing in a washing machine is not recommended.

The comprehensive range of coloured seed beads also includes the option of this finish on <a href = "" target = "_blank">the pressed version of the PRECIOSA Twin™ bead and the supplementary PRECIOSA Solo™ pressed bead.</a>

We wish you much colourful inspiration when working with our beads and seed beads.


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