Hausmesse Rayher

Inspirational “Hausmesse” organised by the German Rayher Company

Representatives of PRECIOSA Ornela visited the unique and inspirational event organised by the largest German company active in the area of hobbies and creativity.

The Rayher Company organises an excellent event for all creative people every year in the last week of May. The invitation especially applies to all customers and suppliers. The aim of this event is to acquaint all of the invited guests with the collections of new articles for the upcoming season and to hold motivational workshops demonstrating their specific use. Personal experience supported with well prepared, informative and illustrative fliers with tutorials has become an excellent inspirational and motivational tool for sellers and suppliers.

The team from the family company created an excellent atmosphere in an area of 11,000 m². Around 300 colleagues presented 18,000 high quality products and practical displays of their use. Rayher is a strong and dynamic leader in this area which sets the pace with the pioneering creative impulses symbolised by the company’s logo, the spiral of creativity. This expresses the strength of new innovative ideas and materials and expresses the infinite options for creative processes and creativity.


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