PRECIOSA ORNELA’S fashion and colour trends for the 2017 – 2018 Autumn/Winter season
PRECIOSA ORNELA’S fashion and colour trends for the 2017 – 2018 Autumn/Winter season
PRECIOSA ORNELA’S fashion forecast for the 2017 - 2018 Autumn/Winter season plays with striking colour combinations and finds support in the proven harmony of unusual geometric shapes and lines. Spatial and planar curves give costume jewellery stringings and structures a timeless grace with the fantastic impression of programmed movement. Adopt a new futuristic view of space and innovative ideas for its use.
The colour and shape combinations are based on a carefully selected collection from the current range of beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.
The mixture of dark, highly opaque colours makes an almost secretive, mysterious and even mystical impression. There is the suggestion of hard, melancholy shades in brown, Bordeaux and dark blue. You can enhance and brighten them with red, fuchsia and bright blue tones. Be inspired by steps, arches, spirals and loops in the flawlessly executed technical and artistic performances of figure skaters in harmony with the perfect musical accompaniment.
"There are several types of regularly changing, repeating planar curves. They are always created by a point which is affixed to a rotating circle. If the rotating circle is traced along a line, this involves a cycloid. If the rotating circle is located inside a larger rotating circle, this gives rise to curves such as hypocycloids and hypotrochoids. On the other hand, the resulting curve is an epicycloid, if the rotating circle is on the outside."
tree bark, cocoa gingerbread, cornelian, cherry brandy, raspberry jam, pink, dark fuchsia, deep water, clear sky
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