Art School Sympozium

Art School Sympozium

Tens of young artists not only from the Czech Republic, but also from abroad came to the Liberec Region to present their art. The Art School Symposium was officially opened in the North Bohemian Museum in Liberec on 13th September 2013.

For the fourth time, students from six art schools came to present their art, to meet with their contemporaries and experienced artists, to learn something new and to acquire further inspiration for their work. This year’s event was attended by more than seventy young artists from schools in the Liberec Region, the Vysočina Region, Slovakia and Bulgaria. They created works based on the symposium’s theme of “Contrasts” in 14 artistic workshops. They therefore had the opportunity to compare their creativity and craft skills. The organisation of the competitive meeting is based on the long tradition of the glassmaking and costume jewellery and jewellery production in the Liberec Region. The schools which the students came from have a rich history which is often more than one hundred years long.

Preciosa and a number of other significant companies in North Bohemia have assumed the patronage of the workshops. Preciosa Ornela sponsored the participation of students from the Applied Arts Secondary School in Jablonec nad Nisou and it also prepared the prizes for the other successful Symposium participants. The company also provided the students from the Jablonec art school with cooperation in the form of the preparation of the presentation material for their work.


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