Students’ work made from seed beads

Students’ practical school work made using PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads

practical work created by students in their second year at the Applied Arts Secondary School in Jablonec nad Nisou.

We have documented the work which has been designed and created using glass seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand. The cooperation between Preciosa Ornela and a number of arts schools has a long tradition. The company provides students with beads and seed beads for their school work, hosts them on internships and offers them assistance when compiling and arranging the promotion and popularisation of the results of their work.

The coordination of Preciosa Ornela’s marketing activities with the preparation of the timetable and thematic plan for the practical work of the third year students will certainly contribute to the further successful development of this cooperation in the upcoming school year.


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