Glass Fair at Kristiánov

Glass will once again be melted at Kristiánov!

The Glass Fair at Kristiánov represents a return to the former glory of the former glassmaking settlement, a reminder of the founder of this significant place, displays of creativity, a varied program of accompanying activities and attractions for both adults and children alike.

This is a traditional event for all those who love glass beauty and the Jizera Mountains. This year, the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou has prepared the event to take place on Saturday 4 September from 9 am.

The entire settlement will be filled with stylised goods and displays of ancient crafts. Visitors can look forward to stands with glass and costume jewelry products, but it will also be possible to watch master glass makers at work – there will be glass melting and blowing and costume jewelry stones will be made at the Kopal pressing works. There will also be demonstrations of the production of glass figurines or lamp beads on a glass burner, glass decoration, the production of glass costume jewelry or various fashion accessories. "The idea of the event that we hold in Kristiánov every year is to present a return to history and to celebrate contemporary Czech glassmaking“, said the museum's manager, Milada Valečková.

A wide range of creative workshops have also been prepared where visitors can, for example, string a line of beads or sew an original piece of jewelry made from small seed beads. A mosaic will be constructed out of glass shards in the shelter beneath the Fox Hut (Liščí bouda) and young and old can participate in its creation. Children can look forward to searching for Wizard Tamann's treasure or horse rides, while the courageous among them can try abseiling across the Kamenice under the supervision of the members of the Bedřichov Mountain Rescue Service.

Come and play with Czech beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.


  9.00    the opening of the fair
  9.30    a tribute to the memory of the founder of the glass settlement at the Forest Cemetery
10.00    a pilgrims' mass at the site of the former Lod's Manor
11.00    the HORAČKY folklore group - customs, singing, dancing, dialects from the lower Giant Mountains
11.30    "Looking for Khódl" / a fairy tale for children / Divadlo Na klice
12.00    Golden Girls – singing for the joy of it, about the Jizera Mountains, about good and evil
13.00    the HORAČKY folklore group
13.30    "What is carried in the forest“ / a fairy tale for children / Divadlo Na klice
14.00    SoUsEDi – a Jablonec multi-genre music group
15.00    "Looking for Khódl" / a fairy tale for children/ Divadlo Na klice
15.00    the HORAČKY folklore group/
16.00    the closing of the fair


Visitors can get to Kristiánov either by walking along the hiking trails from Janov nad Nisou, Bedřichov, Hrabětice and Josefov Důl or by bicycle along the marked cycle trails.

Bus no. 1, which travels from the centre of Jablonec to Bedřichov, will travel more frequently on the day of the fair. Those who come by car can use the car parks in Bedřichov and Hrabětice.

More information is available on

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