Fashion Colorworks 2017 Contest

The 8th international Fashion Colorworks competition

Beadworkers all over the world have registered for this competition on the My Lovely Beads website since 2010. Preciosa Ornela was once again one of the main sponsors in several categories this year.

According to the competition's rules, each participant can choose one of the three offered combinations of color trends for the current fashion season. These colors have been selected according to the trending collections of the renowned Pantone Color Institute, which is an internationally recognised expert and provider of color systems. The competition is open to professionals and amateurs from all over the world. The entries must be original pieces of work by the participant, although collective work may also be presented.

Preciosa Ornela once again arranged with the organiser to be one of the competition's main sponsors and it rewarded the best authors in several of the competition categories:

Finished costume jewellery

1.Kaori Nakakohji Japan web 2.Elena Miklush Russia web 3.Olesya Bryutova Russia web
1st place: Kaori Nakakohji, Japon 2nd place: Elena Miklush, Russia 3rd place: Olesya Bryutova, Russia

Beaded Objects And Accessories

1.Anastasia Kulakova Russia web 2.Elena Potanina Stamford USA web 3.Ekaterina Karabutova Russia web
1st place: Anastasia Kulakova, Russia 2nd place: Elena Potanina, USA 3rd place: Ekaterina Karabutova, Russia

People's Choice

Svetlana Makarova Russia web
Svetlana Makarova, Russia

Best use of PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads

elena koziryatskaya russia
Elena Koziryatskaya, Russia

Best Newbie

yana soroka ukraine novacek
Yana Soroka, Ukraine

Best Mini

anna savikhina estonia miniatura
Anna Savikhina, Estonia

Most Original

natalia pekhtasheva russia nejoriginalnejsi
Elena Koziryatskaya, Russia

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