Striped seed beads

Stripe mania with Kerrie Slade

Kerrie Slade, an internationally renowned designer of costume jewelry, creates unique objects and precisely thought out costume jewelry accessories made from Czech seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand.

The fine details and perfectly elaborated decorations produced by the costume jewelry designer Kerrie Slade are known by <a href = "" target =  "_blank" >everybody who is familiar with the creative world of seed beads</a>.  Her cooperation with Preciosa Ornela is ongoing and Kerrie has created remarkably flawless and creative objects from seed beads with the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand. Initially, she tried out the wide range of uses for the <a href = "" target =  "_blank" >PRECIOSA Twin™ seed bead</a> which enabled her to create several imaginative costume jewelry accessories.

It seems that Kerrie has become enchanted by seed beads with stripes. Kerrie drew inspiration for her work while on holiday in Spain where she noticed all of the striped objects which surround us in everyday life. As well as this, Kerrie has also introduced the various flower and animal motifs, which are highly typical for her work with seed beads, into her creations. Some items with striped rocailles have been included in the most significant international magazines, such as Bead & Button, Beads Style, Perlen Poesie or the Digital Beading Magazine electronic magazine where one of the items was even used on the <a href = "" target =  "_blank" >cover page of this Australian magazine</a>.

Preciosa Ornela is grateful that it has the opportunity to cooperate with such a talented designer, whose creative work is as unique and original as Czech glass seed beads.


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