PRECIOSA Twin™ in the spotlight

PRECIOSA Twin™ Pressed Bead version in an unlimited range of colors

In order to expand the color range of popular two-hole PRECIOSA Twin™ seed bead, Preciosa Ornela has created an identical two-hole PRECIOSA Twin™ Pressed Bead.

The unique two-hole PRECIOSA Twin™ Seed Bead has garnered much deserved success mainly thanks to its versatility. Since the autumn of 2011, when it was launched into the market, Preciosa Ornela has sold an unbelievable 20 tons of these seed beads all over the world. In order to expand the color range of this popular two-hole seed bead, Preciosa Ornela has also created an identical two-hole PRECIOSA Twin™ Pressed Bead version which is offered in an unlimited range of all existing glass colors. Both versions of the PRECIOSA Twin™ two-hole seed beads are understandably available in all existing surface finishes and decorations.

More possibilities PRECIOSA Twin™ has become popular with people who are interested in creative work with Czech beads and seed beads. It is an excellent accessory for expanding the popular techniques used by experienced creative bead-workers. Beginners will be surprised at the speed and simplicity with which they can achieve an excellent effect. Preciosa Ornela has prepared several manuals which everybody can use to try out the possibilities offered by PRECIOSA Twin™ beads and seed beads.

The color range of the PRECIOSA Twin™ seed beads. The color range of the PRECIOSA Twin™ seed beads has been expanded from the original 80 colors to 300 types of color finishes on the basic glass types – crystal, black and chalk. The colors of the PRECIOSA Twin™ seed beads.

PRECIOSA Twin™ Pressed Beads Preciosa Ornela now offers the two-hole PRECIOSA Twin™ pressed bead in order to extend the overall range and the available colors. This bead has the same shape as the PRECIOSA Twin™ seed beads and it is offered in many transparent and opaque colors. The colors of the PRECIOSA Twin™ Pressed Beads.</a>

The protection of the PRECIOSA Twin™ design and name PRECIOSA Twin™ seed beads and pressed beads are sold under a protected trademark which has been created by combining the PRECIOSA brand and the name Twin, including the TM (trademark) symbol.

Where can you buy PRECIOSA Twin™ beads and seed beads? PRECIOSA Twin™ beads and seed beads are available at Preciosa Ornela distributors.

PRECIOSA Twin™ on Facebook Every day, Preciosa Ornela receives new and beautiful samples which have been created by seed bead enthusiasts using this twin-hole article. All of the samples and much more can be seen at our Facebook pages.


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