Calendar 2022

The thirteen photographs in the Preciosa Ornela calendar for 2022 present trending costume jewellery designs made using beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.

Customers of Preciosa Ornela in more than 70 countries around the world have received the current calendar along with a small seed bead gift to thank them for their cooperation throughout the year.

The author and producer of the gift set’s design, Petra Lejsková, always creates the new concept sufficiently in advance. Preparatory work on the realisation of the planned product campaigns and the associated advertising and gift items for the upcoming season is currently underway. This always also involves the preparation of the new calendar.

Petra Lejsková asked the established photographer Vladimír Labaj to collaborate with her on the project in her new role as the stylist and make-up artist:

“The realisation of the calendar always permeates the entire season of marketing activities and represents the culmination of a full year’s work. Last year, we reduced the calendar’s format and combined it with a popular notepad in a practical hardback cover that can also be used to store the pocket calendars that are so appreciated by collectors and a pen with a seed bead ball. Given the positive response to this concept change, we have also used it in this year’s calendar”.

Photographer: Vladimír Labaj
Models: Jana Grossmanová, Denisa Hudcová
Make-up, styling, production: Petra Lejsková
Designs: Hana Černá, Kerrie Slade, Helena Chmelíková, Alexandra Lysenko

Calendar 2022

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