Portrait of The Queen

Portrait of Her Majesty The Queen Margrethe II made from Preciosa Ornela beads

Mari Keto, a Finnish artist working with jewellery as her medium, exhibits the portrait of Her Majesty The Queen Margrethe II. Portrait of Her Majesty The Queen Margrethe II was made from Preciosa Ornela beads

February 11 – May 28, 2012.

Mari Keto, a Finnish artist working with jewellery as her medium, exhibits the portrait of Her Majesty The Queen Margrethe II at the PEARLS Royal splendour - Modern design exhibition. Portrait of Her Majesty The Queen Margrethe II was made from Preciosa Ornela beads.

This exceptional invitation is a rare opportunity to portrait Her Majesty The Queen and to participate in the outstanding selection of artists and jewellers working with pearls. Keto’s portrait of Her Majesty The Queen Margrethe II consists of two parts: the actual portrait made of pearls and a necklace in its casing. The work is a part of a series of artworks titled Precious combining diamonds, crystals, pearls and other jewellery material.

Mari Keto was born 1975 and now lives and works in Copenhagen. Keto’s works are widely exhibited and internationally awarded. Preciosa Ornela has already contributed several times assortment of Immitation Pearls to create her next work.


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