Halloween spider earrings

Difficulty: 1
Technique: wire work

Earrings made from PRECIOSA beads and seed beads

Spider earrings are a perfect accessory for any Halloween party. Create your spiders as earrings or a broach out of various types of beads and seed beads. Bugles and seed beads are perfect for the legs, while shaped pressed beads are best suited to the head and body. Get ready for Halloween with Preciosa beads and seed beads or make it as an original gift.


Alexandra Lysenko - Snow Mirna

Her name has resounded throughout the world of bead and seed bead costume jewellery for a number of years.

Learn More


Step 1

Cut off 50 cm of wire and bend it in half. String a Candy Oval C (fig. no. 1a) and a Candy Rose CR (fig. nos. 1b-1c) onto the wire through both holes.

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Step 2

Bend the frame (fig. no. 2a) and attach the Candy Rose CR to the frame by weaving the wire between the spider's "legs" (fig. no. 2b-2f).

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Step 3

Twist the ends of the wire (fig no. 3a), string the skull L (fig. no. 3b), twist the ends of the wire and make a loop. Fold the ends of the wire to the back (fig. nos. 3c-3e).

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Step 4

Wind the remainder of the wire around the "legs", twist the ends and cut off any excess (fig. nos. 4a-4b).

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Step 5

Start making the legs

String the beads and seed beads onto the individual pieces of wire in this order:
2xR10B6R10R8R6R8R10B6R8 – 2xR10. Use the stopper from a butterfly clasp so that the beads and seed beads stay on the wire (fig. no. 5a).
Twist the leg (fig. no. 5b) and string the beads and seed beads onto the second leg in the same way (fig. no. 5c). Now make a small eye on the end of each wire using the pliers (fig. nos. 5d-5e).

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Step 6

Make the other four legs differently: string shorter bugles at the end. String the beads and seed beads onto the individual wires in the following order:
2xR10B6R10R8R6R8R10B5R8 – 2xR10 (fig. no. 6a). Finish all four legs in the same way (fig. no. 6b).
Use the silver wire to connect the eyes on the ends of the lower legs (fig. nos. 6c-6d).

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