Optical glass by PRECIOSA ORNELA at the 14th Optatec Trade Fair in Frankfurt

Visit us at the Optatec International Trade Fair at stand A54 in Hall 3.0 on 15th - 17th May 2018. We will offer LIBA 2000+ optical glass rods with their exceptional homogeneity and higher permeability.

This showcase of the advanced optical industry technology, OPTATEC, is getting closer once again and PRECIOSA ORNELA will be part of it. This year too, the international trade fair of optical technology, components and systems in Frankfurt will focus on the innovative potential of this branch like no other exhibition of its type. Exhibitors from almost 30 countries in Europe and all over the world will present the latest technology from the area of industrial optics and will use Optatec for the premiere presentations of their latest products.

We invite you to the PRECIOSA ORNELA stand


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This year, the trade fair will also offer a congress on Optical System Design in its program from 15. to 17. 5. 2018. The undoubted advantage of the congress will involve the opportunity to meet all the internationally renowned experts, scientists and users in one place and the option of exchanging information and knowledge. MORE INFORMATION 

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