Infatuated with Beads

The Bertrand Fried Collection of diverse objects made of seed beads

Few items which surround and accompany us every day have such a rich and fascinating history as glass seed beads. A unique collection of historical seed bead curiosities which enables us to view the unbelievably flawless working of seed bead application in decorations and items of everyday use has been created thanks to those who allowed themselves to become limitlessly enchanted by this object. If you like the strong, beautiful and pleasant feeling of taking time out, becoming tranquil and being entranced, allow yourself to be enchanted by seed beads. If you have never tried it, we welcome you to your first such encounter!

Bertrand Fried has been building a unique collection of diverse objects made of seed beads, which was originally begun by his father Lucien, for thirty years. Over the years, he has expanded the collection from only several tens of items to a set of more than one thousand exhibits. It was precisely the size of the collection which led this passionate collector and lover of Czech seed beads to the idea of presenting his treasures to the public for the very first time. A selection of almost three hundred of the best exhibits will be on display at the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou from 13th November 2015.

The museum’s large exhibition hall will not only house fashion accessories (hats, footwear or handbags), but also historical furniture, pictures made from seed beads or items of daily use which document the processing of seed beads in France, England, Central Europe and the USA. “The most valuable exhibits include French cases and handbags made for the court of Louis XV, handbags and home accessories made from shiny Charlotte beads dating from the beginning of the 19th century or a set of items purchased from the estate of Madame Andréa L. Vuitton”, said the exhibit’s curator Kateřina Hrušková.

A publication of the same name has also been created to accompany the exhibition. It will delight fans of seed beads not only with its extensive pictorial material, but also thanks to the option of viewing the history of the many finishing technologies used on this malleable material, including the various work procedures used.

A workshop course has also been prepared for those of a creative bent. It will take place under the guidance of Věra Černá in the museum’s studio on 12th December.

Infatuated with Beads - the Bertrand Fried Collection
13.11.2015 – 8.5.2016
Exhibition opening: 12.11.2015, 5:00 pm
the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou
U Muzea 398/4, Jablonec nad Nisou
TUES–SUN 9:00 am – 5:00 pm


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