Fashion and Costume Jewelry Show

The Fashion and Costume Jewelry Show in Jablonec, Made in Jablonec 2013

The 2nd annual Made in Jablonec 2013 fashion show took place at the beginning of January 2013. Seed beads were especially dominant in embroidery and in exquisite costume jewelry sets. The unique design of a seed bead skirt and collar was the main feature of the entire evening.

<strong>The 2nd annual Made in Jablonec 2013 fashion show took place at the beginning of January 2013. Original fashion designs supplemented with unique costume jewelry accessories from 23 regional costume jewelry companies were on display at the show. Preciosa was one of the main sponsors for this grandiosely conceived event prepared by the Association of Costume Jewelry Producers. </strong>

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More than 100 extravagant designs made exclusively of Czech costume jewelry components produced by local companies were presented on the catwalk. Preciosa was represented in two blocks from Preciosa Figurky and Preciosa Ornela.  Preciosa Ornela presented both individual designs as well as its costume jewelry accessories made from seed beads and beads with the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand. This original collection of four designs bore out the wide scale uses for Czech seed beads and the skill of Czech designers. Seed beads were especially dominant in embroidery and in exquisite costume jewelry sets. The unique design of a seed bead skirt and collar was the main feature of the entire evening.

The show once again showed the exceptionality of the costume jewelry industry here in the north of Bohemia. Local companies make exquisite and unique costume jewelry collections which are able to enhance every individual in today’s demanding society.

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