Preciosa Crystal Evening

Czech Preciosa Crystals and seed beads sparkled at Czech Embassy in Moscow

Czech Preciosa crystals and seed beads sparkled at Czech Embassy in Moscow.  Preciosa was heralded as an important international company and guests were introduced to the full exquisite range of its products

<strong>On the penultimate evening of May, the Czech Embassy in Moscow was aglow with the "Preciosa Crystal Night". This prestigious event was attended by many of Moscow’s prominent politicians, businessmen and their employees. Miss Russia 2012, as well as representatives from several embassies, was also on hand for this sparkling evening of beauty and elegance.</strong>

Preciosa was heralded as an important international company and guests were introduced to the full exquisite range of its products which were displayed in luxurious display cases for all to admire. The highlight of the evening was a fashion show entitled New Inspiration. The personalized style of the E.daniely ladies couture line magnificently paired with elegant Czech crystal and seed beads Preciosa Traditional Czach Beads jewellery, enchanted everyone who witnessed the breathtaking spectacle.

The gala evening culminated with the presentation of fine crystal prizes to all those who have significantly contributed to the successful business development of the Russian market and who have played a part in promoting the Preciosa brands.


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