Beading in Japan

Beading in Japan

This year, Preciosa Ornela, together with its Japanese distributor, launched an extensive marketing campaign in Bead Friend.

<strong>As in other countries, in Japan there is a large community of enthusiastic beaders who love to create their own original jewellery – whether it is their own original designs or whether they take their cue from professional designers. Either way, beaders most often find inspiration and how-to instructions in specialized Japanese hobby magazines.</strong>

The most popular beading magazine in Japan is<strong> Bead Friend</strong>, whose distribution of 40,000 copies is published quarterly. It has an impressive 160 pages comprising of the latest trends, classifieds, DIY projects, and How-To Guides from professionals. The jewellery is often presented by popular Japanese actresses, which speaks to the immense popularity of this magazine.

This year, <strong>Preciosa Ornela</strong>, together with its Japanese distributor, launched an extensive marketing campaign in <strong>Bead Friend</strong>. Each issue of this magazine presents a wide range of PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads to Japanese readers and shows selected finished pieces of Japanese-style jewellery (made, of course, entirely of beads and seed beads from Preciosa Ornela!). In this year’s second publication our distributor  <strong>Namban Co.Ltd.</strong>  unveiled the magnificent two-hole <strong>PRECIOSA Twin&trade;</strong> seed bead, which allows beaders to create original, interesting and exciting designs.

Seed beads jewellery is designed by famous Japanese designer <strong>Ms.Yoriko Sho</strong> and produced by our primary distributor in Japan <strong>Namban Co.</strong>


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