Preciosa Ornela presents the PRECIOSA Chilli™ pressed bead from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.
The elongated imaginative shape supplements the popular range of two-hole beads, especially as it has an identical hole spacing to the other beads in this range. The axially deviated location of both holes means that these beads are suitable for simple compositions involving a regular stringing on a taut or flexible material, during which the first bead‘s ridge interlocks excellently in the side dimple of the adjacent bead. The flattened shape and the lateral orientation of the holes enable the creation of flat embossed applications in combination with round beads and seed beads up to the size of 4 mm.
Try making these impressive Marguerite earrings.
A needle; a 0.20 mm line; metal earring mesh; an earring stud
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