Preciosa Ornela offers you a full selection of simple tutorials for the production of very simple, but highly effective bracelets which are made by stringing PRECIOSA Twin™ beads and seed beads in combination with PRECIOSA Rocailles or PRECIOSA Farfalle™ beads.
The amount of seed beads strung onto the flexible stringing material can be quite individual. The strandard length for the basic stringing should be 18.5 cm.
A thin stringing needle, flexible stringing material (Opelon, Elastomer, Lycra), a ruler, scissors
The amount of seed beads strung on the flexible stringing material can be completely individual. The standard length of the basic stringing should be 18.5 cm. You can also achieve the same effect using a non-flexible stringing material. In that case, the bracelet must be finished with an individual closing solution.
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