Preciosa Ornela has prepared a playful spiral using PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ in red, blue and white. In order to expand the color range of the popular two-hole PRECIOSA Twin bead, Preciosa Ornela has created a variant involving two-hole pressed beads of the same shape and size which has enabled us to offer popular opaque colors which could not previously be made during seed bead production. The spiral made with seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand consists of both variants of PRECIOSA Twin. We have combined them here with two-hole beads and seed beads without any problems. We wish you many happy hours of beadworking with seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ range!
She is able to switch from luxurious and extravagant fashion show pieces to the preparation of hobby projects,
Learn MoreA 0.20 mm nylon line, flexible stringing material (Opelon, Elastomer, Lycra), a long thin needle, scissors, flat nose pliers (for flattening the beginning of the nylon line for easier stringing through the eye of the needle)
The spiral of PRECIOSA Twin seed beads and PRECIOSA Rocailles is created very easily using the following procedure. The spiral can be used as a pendant, earrings, a decoration or as a necklace. In order to ascertain how many seed beads need to be strung for the required length of the spiral, first create a sample, measure it and then modify the number of seed beads to the length of your own design. It is also possible to create small sections of the spiral which are then joined together. This second method is simpler in practical use. It is easier to tighten.
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