Diamond Pellets

Difficulty: 2
Technique: basic beadweaving, loom weaving

Bracelet and earrings set with PRECIOSA Pellet™

PRECIOSA Pellet™ Pressed Bead from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand which has a shape which goes well with various types of beads and seed beads. The central slimming of the glass cylinder with dimensions of 4 x 6 mm enables a kind of interlocking effect where the individual beads fit together perfectly during a simple stringing. These beads therefore offer further adventure when finding suitable combinations and connections with selected beads and seed beads from the existing range of PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads. Try using it and make small diamond shaped clusters of PRECIOSA Pellet™ and seed beads and attach them end to end to create quick and easy bracelets and earrings.


Kerrie Slade

Kerrie Slade have used Czech PRECIOSA Traditional Czech seed beads in her creation.

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Materials & Tools

Other materials and tools

approx. 10 – 12x 4 mm jump rings, 1x clasp, beading thread (here is used 6lb Fireline in ‘smoke’), scissors, size 10 to 12 beading needles, 2 pairs of pliers to open and close the jump rings


Step 1

Thread your needle with 50 cm of thread and leaving a 15 cm tail pick up a seed bead, P1, R, P1, R, P1, R and P1.. Pass your needle through the first R again and pull both threads firmly so that all of the beads group together with the flat end of the Pellet beads facing front to back. Pass your needle through all of the beads a second time. See figure no. 1.


Step 2

To start the next row pick up 5x R and pass your needle through the next R added in the previous row so that Rocailles curve around the Pellet bead. Pick up 7x R and pass your needle through the next R added in the previous row. Pick up 5x R and pass your needle through the next R added in the previous row and pick up 7x R and pass your needle through the next R added in the previous row. See figure no. 2.


Step 3

Pass your needle through all the Rocailles (not the Pellet beads) added in steps 1 and 2 a further time except for the middle bead of each 5 and 7 bead loop added in step 2. Pull your thread firmly so that the middle bead forms a point. See figure no. 3.


Step 4

Tie off and trim both threads and set your work aside.


Step 5

Follow steps 1 to 4 to make another diamond component using seed beads and P2. Using the pliers, open a jump ring and pass it through a bead at the tip of each component (the middle bead of a 7 bead loop) and close the jump ring. See figure no. 4.


Step 6

Following steps 1 to 4 make sufficient components in alternate colours to fit your wrist (allowing for the size of the clasp and the jump rings) and attach them to each other using the jump rings. Attach a jump ring and half of the clasp to either end of the bracelet. Make sure that the components at either end of the bracelet are the same colour as each other to balance the pattern. See figure no. 5.

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Step 7

Follow steps 1 to 4 to make 2 components and attach them to earring findings using a jump ring. Alternatively make a pair of long earrings by attaching 2 or 3 components together in either the same or contrasting colours.



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