Try something unconventional. The combination of small PRECIOSA seed beads and PRECIOSA beads with concrete sounds very daring. However, you will be rewarded with a number of interesting, atypical accessories.
She is able to switch from luxurious and extravagant fashion show pieces to the preparation of hobby projects,
Learn MoreSmall rocailles, for example 13/0, 10/0, 8/0, and tubes for sprinkling into the mould; larger rocailles, for example 4/0, for placement in the concrete; various shapes for laying in the concrete (overly flat shapes are not suitable as they submerge into the concrete); seed beads and beads of distinctive or lighter shades in opaque colors, stripes on a light background, with a metal coated base or with a silver lining
RAYHER hobbykunst costume jewelry concrete (Schmuck-Beton art. no. 34 166 000); RAYHER hobbykunst rubber moulds (Gieβform „Anhänger“ - round 3.9 cm art. no. 36 024 000; rectangular 1.9 cm × 3.9 cm art. no. 36 023 000); a cup; a stirrer; a thick needle; a chain; thin leather; a wire; a carabiner; a counter-ring; 8 rings, 10 mm; small rings or ovals; eye pins; snipping pliers; scissors; flat nose pliers (to close the rings)
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